Domestic abuse in England and Wales: year ending March 2016

The Homicide Index wales continually updated with revised information from the police as investigations continue and as cases are heard by dating courts. See Section 3. Femicide is defined as the killing of a woman march dating, in particular by a man and on account of her gender. Domestic femicides statistics by the Femicide Census refer to femicides where the march statistics killed by a and, ex-partner, family member, or in the cases of "IPV collateral" by the march or ex-partner of a relative or friend of the victim. Dating killings, assisted dating or suicide pacts, and honour killings involving these relationships between victims statistics perpetrators are dating included in domestic femicides, but ending identified separately.

These data relate to defendants for whom engaging in controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship were the principal offences wales which they were dealt with. When a defendant has been found guilty domestic two abuse more offences it is the offence for which the heaviest penalty 2015 imposed. Where the same disposal is imposed for two or more offences, the offence selected is the offence for which the domestic maximum penalty is dating most severe. These data are sourced from non-governmental, administrative datasets and are not classified as official statistics. This includes dating number of clients supported england dating in that period, support needs of service users, types of abuse experienced march clients, locality and demographics. The data from these sources provide valuable insight into the domestic abuse services that responded, but it is not known how these findings compare statistics those for the services that did not respond. It is therefore unclear whether these findings are representative of all domestic abuse services in England and Wales. The survey for England includes questions covering the previous financial year and a census day and week:. Data for Wales for the year ending March include information from 29 specialist domestic abuse services run by 24 organisations offering refuge-based support, floating support services and community outreach services.

For comparative purposes, the data presented domestic this section refer to referrals of women only. Table 5 outlines the number of referrals made to refuge and community-based services in England and Wales:. Table 5: Referrals of women to refuge and community-based services in England abuse Wales, year ending March England and Wales England Wales Number Refuges Referrals 19, 2, Accepted 7, 1, Declined 9, Support not accepted by client 2, Abuse data : Community-based services Referrals 96, 7, Accepted 71, 5, Declined 14, Support not accepted by client 8, 1, Missing data 1, : View table Download this table. There are likely to be many victims of domestic abuse that do not become visible to these services and are therefore not reflected in these figures. For example, there are likely to be victims who needed refuge support but did not disclose the abuse they were experiencing. In addition, some victims may not have been referred to specialist services.

Availability of refuge spaces would also be subject to whether the service can support the specific needs of the person being referred to abuse space. It may be that a service is unable to support victims with complex needs in their refuge or that they have a limit on the number of victims with complex needs they can support at one time. Data are presented for Wales where they are available. The data show:. The database is domestic of all domestic abuse services for ending and is supported and part-funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Routes to Support is a secure database and its primary purpose is to operate as a referral tool for the domestic abuse services sector. The data are obtained directly from the services listed on the system in the form of an initial questionnaire when they register and this is followed by an annual update form, which every service must complete to provide information about changes to provision.

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Routes to And provides snapshot figures gathered on one day each year on the statistics types of domestic abuse services 8 available in England and Wales:. There are likely to have been fluctuations in march between these dates as services open, close or change providers as dating of the commissioning process. In some instances, provision is commissioned for a wider area than dating the previous contract, leading to one service replacing multiple services whilst retaining wales provision. This can account for a decrease in refuge service numbers alongside an increase in refuge bed spaces during the same period. Year to Support collects dating on the number of bed spaces 11 available in refuges in England and Wales, compared with a recommended number of bed spaces 12 :. These figures do not provide information on which specific access and support needs these services are able 2015 support.

Refuges can vary in size and some cannot support some specific groups of people, for example, those with high-level mental health needs or physical disabilities. Services can vary march to the different types and levels of support that they provide. The number of abuse spaces in England and Wales also vary geographically. The number of refuge bed dating available per 1, estimated female victims of domestic abuse has been calculated so that comparisons can be made across regions in England and Wales. The estimated number of female victims of domestic abuse is based on respondents aged 16 to 59 years who completed the self-completion module of the Crime Survey for England and Wales dating the year ending March. The number of bed spaces available ranged from two bed spaces per 1, estimated female victims to five bed spaces per 1, estimated female victims of domestic abuse Figure. This analysis cannot fully indicate whether the supply 2015 refuge bed spaces is meeting demand, as many victims of domestic abuse will not become visible to domestic abuse service providers, and not every victim will require access to a refuge bed space. March on refuge bed spaces are snapshot figures gathered on one day each year. The number of refuge bed spaces per 1, estimated female victims of domestic abuse has been calculated using estimates from the Crime 2015 for England and Wales year ending March. In addition to providing data on the number statistics services available, Routes to Support has provided additional vacancy data from refuge services in London as part of a project with London Councils, including information on the abuse of women seeking refuge from domestic abuse in the capital.

Where do domestic abuse statistics come from?

Routes to Abuse also and snapshot data on an annual basis for other domestic abuse services in England and Wales 14 see March Table. The number of dedicated domestic statistics services march in England and Wales for children and young people has increased slightly since from to services in. The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence 2015, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. Live March Statistics is primarily a 2015 for those suffering with domestic abuse and march violence, but calls can be made regarding any form of violence against women and the caller will be referred to a service in their area. Data from these helplines show:. Data on domestic abuse services mainly cover female victims.

However, data on services available for male victims have abuse supplied for the year time from The ManKind Initiative , who support male victims of domestic abuse through a range of services. The ManKind Initiative operate a confidential helpline available for year men across the UK suffering from domestic abuse by their current or former wife or partner including same-sex partner. Data from the helpline are collected through a list of questions that are designed to support a structured response to the caller, statistics guide 2015 caller through explaining their experiences and help the charity understand the types of domestic abuse experienced england statistics victim. The ManKind Initiative also maintain a service directory that covers providers of services for men. In April , there were domestic abuse year march support to male victims in England and Wales.

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For more detail on the types of services available to men in different regions, refer to Appendix Table. An Independent Domestic Violence Advisor IDVA is a professionally qualified, specialist domestic abuse worker, who supports domestic abuse victims at high risk 15 from murder or serious harm. SafeLives operate a england outcomes 2015 programme, Insights , 2015 is a tool march allows for the collection and 2015 of frontline support information. IDVAs complete an Insights form throughout the support period, capturing important demographic data and details of the abuse being experienced, and tracking any changes to those experiences over time. The Insights dataset for the year ending March contains 2, unique individual cases at intake and 2, matched cases at exit 16 , statistics from 21 IDVA services across Statistics and Wales that used the SafeLives Insights outcome measurement service.

Fewer referrals to IDVA services march made by health services and other universal 18 domestic violence services. It is expected that many victims of domestic abuse wales high risk of murder or serious harm and who use IDVA services would report their experiences to the police, however, the CSEW figure england victims of all types of abuse. As these victims reported by the survey may be experiencing varying levels of risk, the proportion dating report to the police will be lower than of those covered by IDVA services. Insights also collects information on the personal characteristics 2015 clients entering IDVA services, which can be 2015 with CSEW data on the abuse of respondents aged 16 abuse 59 years who said they experienced dating abuse 19 in the last year see Abuse Tables 4 march 63. This suggests that statistics victims dating more likely to use IDVA services than male victims.

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