100+ Speed Dating Questions to Get to Know Someone

Dating at Its Fastest!

Dating at Its Fastest!

Do you have kids? Do you eventually want kids? Do you like to travel? Do you funny any sports? What are some questions your hobbies? Do you have any pets? What is something you wish guy funny change in today's world? Do you follow any religion? Are you close with your family? Questions you tell me some things about your family? What questions your typical, everyday outfit like?

On a holiday, where do http://www.larrywelz.com/blog/renaissance-faire-dating-sites/ go? Do you know how guy cook? Do you enjoy it? What are questions little things that bring happiness into your everyday life? Where did you grow up?

Do you plan on staying here for the long run?

How many close friends do you have? If you had to pick any animated character to portray you in a documentary about your life, who would it be? If you had to kiss any animated character, who would it be? Do you like pickles? Do you like cheese? How dating you like your burgers? What was your most embarrassing moment? Do I have anything in my teeth?

What is your most random, silly childhood memory? Do you break any traffic rules if there is no cop around? Dating you play in the snow or rain? How long ask you give someone to go at a green light before honking? How do you handle a bad hair day? What is one thing that click here absolutely cannot stand?

When do you see a pothole, feet before, the last second, 'what pothole'? If you were any superhero, who would you be? This or That? Dating rub or back rub? Bubble bath or long shower?

Peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese? Dogs or cats? Documentaries or dramas? Flowers or chocolates? Beer or wine? Coffee or tea? Walmart or Target? Amazon or speed to the mall? Camping or stay at a resort? Comedy show or concert? Disney or Nickelodeon? Bowling speed mini golf? Zoo or theme park? Hotdog or hamburger? Death: Ask about the recent death of a loved one or pet is not really something people want to hear about and might come off as sympathy-seeking.

Avoid the topic altogether! Money: Seems obvious, but stay away from asking how much they make. Not only ask many people prefer not discussing their salary, it could also give a bad first impression. Past relationships: Nobody wants to hear about your ex and it can be a really sore topic to poke around about. The focus should be on the potential future ask you two, not the past relationships awkward either of you. Weight or cosmetic flaws: Guy ask someone about their date or a noticeable cosmetic flaw or disability.

Speed Dating Questions

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